i would like to have a girlfriend, a nice girl who excepts me for me. I front like i don't think about it, but i do. but i also think about the fact that i am always surrounded by women, my close family is mostly women, and to be honest, its annoying. not having any guys to hang with. the friends i did hang with are however many miles away. so i spend alot of my time on the computer chatting, and doing my usual photoshop/FL studio thing. but yeah.. i feel it would help a bit, perhaps an extra goal, to help me push towards being a better me. plus lets face it. guys are not girls. we have different feelings and hormones and such. so naturally as much as i try to brush it to the side. eventually i will come around to wanting a Different type of affection, something you can't quite get from family, and if you do get it, you are nasty and should be ashamed of yourself. shooooooooo, that's just wrong.
I need to do more creative stuff, for myself. its nice doing stuff for others, and making them happy and such. but after a while. its kinda whack. mainly if you spend all your time working and being creative for the sake of others. sometimes i would just like to do something fun and get the creative mojo going. i didn't go to school to learn how to draw, it just came naturally, so sometimes i like to just keep stuff for myself. as much money as i might be able to make from an idea, some ideas are priceless. its like, if you work hard all day ever day, just to pay bill, you are not going to be the happiest of campers. you have to pay yourself too. so that's what some of my art is. a payment to myself. something i can hang up on the wall and say. "hey, I made this" and then eventually i will make something that others can put on their walls. and feel the joy. but yeah...need some mojo
Maaaaaaaaaaan, i need to get a sewing machine like... 50 years ago. after seeing how dapper people were at a party i was at two days ago. and then coming home and looking at all the wonderful fashions the world has to offer while i browse the interweb. i need to get one. and sew the crap out of stuff. and then wear it, and were it with pride. skip who thinks or says what about me. it's my art. and its going to be awesome either way because i made it. yup. real gangsta status. there are alot of things i would wear, but sometimes, i might not have the money to buy them. or might not feel confident enough to pull off the look. but skip that. shoooooooo i'm about to do that anyways. FO SHIGGITY SHOW